Monday, April 28, 2008

It's Official - Club 884 is a President's Distinguished Club

Fellow Toastmasters,

It’s Official…

Your club, Club 884, is a President’s Distinguished Club for program year 2007- 2008.

We have achieved 9 out of the 10 requirements on the Distinguished Club Program.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Toastmasters District 44 Spring Conference

Where: Lubbock Civic Center

When: May 2nd (Friday) and May 3rd (Saturday), 2008

Who: Anyone can attend

What: Tall Tale & International Speech Contest, Educational speeches and Entertaining Speeches

How: Registration Form

Why: This is the LAST District 44 conference, ever.


Just to let all know that Gerardo Perez placed third in the North Division Tall Tale Contest and Robert Barnhill won the International Speech Contest. It was a very good tournament with a close competition.
Please join me in congratulating both Gerardo and Bob in their participation in their mutual contests.
Great job Gentlemen!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ask Wiki Aguas

Wiki Aguas, how long did it take NW to complete her 2007 tax return?