Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Officer Meeting Report

The officers of Club 884 had an officer meeting on September 8th, 6pm at J&B Coffee House. 83.33% of the officers attended the meeting. Following is a summary of the decisions made during meeting:

1. Encourage all members to purchase and wear nametag during the meeting.
2. Create a guest package for our guests.
3. Revive the mentor-mentee program for new members. Assign a mentor for all new members.
4. Encourage all members to review the details/duties of each meeting roles as stated in the CC manual and actively perform all the duties noted in the manual.
5. Club 884 official meeting time is 6.30 a.m. to 7.45 a.m. Toastmaster is responsible to ensure that each meeting ends on time.
6. The first Tuesday of each month is designated as the "Club Improvement Day". The Toastmaster for that meeting is responsible to conduct a manual from Successful Club/Better Speaker/Leadership Excellence series as the theme for the day. Any member who is interested in presenting and obtaining credit for ALB and ACS, please contact the VPE to get scheduled. If no volunteer, the VPE will assign members that are qualify to conduct such series.
7. Members that are working on advanced manual should contact VPE if the speech project requires more than 15 minutes presentation time.
8. Purchase Successful Club Series for club members' use. The Successful Club Series will remain in the club cabinet. Members can check out the material from the Sargeant at Arms.
9. Purchase a computer projector for club use. Members that wish to use the projector should contact the Sargeant at Arms before hand to have the projector set up before the meeting. Also, members will need to bring his/her own notebook computer for that purpose.
10. Members are highly encouraged to organize social events for the club.

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