Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Let's Over Achieve

Trivigintennial... Quadquindecennial... Sexadecennial... Hexadecennial... Quinduodecennial... Sexcentennial/10... Semicentennial+10... Undecennial*5+5... Dodranscentennial-15...

OK... Let’s stay with what we know...


When Lubbock Toastmasters 884 was founded, none of our existing members was born. Maybe a few of us were, but not of age to join Toastmasters. In a month, our club will celebrate its 60th Anniversary. This club was founded the same year when Toastmasters International had its first Regional Conference. This club has been in existence well before women were officially allowed to join Toastmasters.

Through the sixty years, many members came and left, some passed on and many moved on; the club has been through numerous highs and lows, in membership, achievement, financial, and meeting location too. Today, this club is still standing, serving members who prefer to meet at 6.30 a.m., come hell or high water.

Fellow 884-ers,
its time to remember the foresight of our founding members to create a club in Lubbock,
its time to appreciate the perseverance of our past members during the lows of our club,
its time to recognize the commitment of our current members to keep the club going,
its time to celebrate ...

60 years of excellence
and many more to come!

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